Playing Tricks

Playing Tricks

           Math can play some very nasty tricks on the unsuspecting human.  It can do quite a number even on those of us who are pretty good at math.  It is these 'tricks' that can so easily distract a Player, causing him to believe all sorts of outlandish things - like the machines are rigged.  This, in turn, can cause a Player to wonder why he should follow any strategy based on math if the games are rigged.  Really, the question you SHOULD ask is if the games are rigged, why would you want to play them at all?

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How Often Do You Razgu?

          How often do you throw away all five cards in video poker?  The question is NOT how often SHOULD you, but how often do you really do it?  Players don't like to lose when gambling.  As a result, many do everything they can to hold it off as long as possible.  In blackjack, many Players don't like to hit a 16 into a Face Card.  They don't want to bust.  They'd rather wait the extra few seconds and have the Dealer beat them.  In Three Card Poker, about the only way you can really hurt yourself is to NOT Fold when you are supposed to.  But this is the biggest single mistake made by Players.

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It All Ends with a Razgu

We're down to the final hands on the strategy table.  For the past several weeks, I have been slowly walking through the strategy for full-pay jacks or better video poker.  Along the way, I've been doing my best to provide insights to help you both understand the table and understand the WHY behind the table.  So, without further ado, I bring you the final five entries on the strategy table:

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